Today was my second full day of vacation. I could really get used to not going to work. Unfortunately, I need the damn paycheck and I got a decent raise this month, so I'll just enjoy my vacation and then suck it up and go back to work next week.
My sister came up today. Her kids were in daycare so she spent time with mine. She took me and the girls out for lunch and got to hear Coadster make fun of Stinky for sounding like a Valley Girl and then Stinky got mad at Coadster for being so mean. It was lovely. I had chicken parmesan because it's breaded, deep fried, and covered in sauce and melted cheese. What's not to like?
After lunch, we went to the mall to look at stuff and my sister did that thing she does when she comes up to visit that she thinks is so funny. Since she doesn't know anyone here, she likes to try to embarrass me. Today we were looking at dishwashers for her new house, when she just started dancing in the aisle at Best Buy. It was pretty funny. Since you probably all know by now that I have absolutely no shame, you won't be surprised when I tell you that I wasn't the least bit embarrassed. My daughters, on the other hand, walked away as quickly as possible. Later on, I decided not to take her up on her offer to get on the big workman's industrial cart and let her push me around the mall. Sure, it would have been funny, but would it be worth going to jail for?
After my sister left, I started in on a few of my projects. I'm at that point where everything is getting torn apart and sorted, but it's messy and seems overwhelming. My sister called me during all of it so I could hear her kids fighting over the phone. I suppose it's only fair.
During hour number two of organizing papers and wondering how many acres of forests were demolished in order for me to receive credit card offers, I had to take a break. Stinky was at a park playing night games with her friends, so Coadster and I went to run errands and to procure ice cream. During our adventure, Coadster got to briefly meet Mr. Dateman for the first time. This was her assessment of him: First, she said, "Finally," about getting to meet him and then she said, "He seems really nice." Her last observation was that he looked a lot younger in person than he did in the few pictures of him she had seen. In Coadster speak, that's a ringing endorsement.
Tomorrow might be a little more work than today was, but it is so great to have the time to take care of it all.