I took the plunge this week and traded in all of our Play Station 2 stuff for an XBox 360. It's part early birthday present for Stinky and part fun, new toy the whole family can enjoy.
I initially went to the gaming store in the mall downtown to see what kind of credit I could get for all of our PS2 stuff, but the guy I talked to was absolutely no help at all. Every question I asked him, was answered with, "I don't know." So, I took my business out to a store in Coralville, where the guys were very knowledgeable and and they didn't even look annoyed when I asked stupid question after stupid question. I'm sure they were just polite enough to wait until after I left the store to laugh their asses off. Plus, they gave me tons of in-store credit that I applied to our pretty new toy. And our new toy is really, really pretty. It's amazing how much better the graphics and the controllers are on the XBox.
Originally, I was going to get Guitar Hero for Stinky's birthday, but a new one's coming out in October, and it seems way smarter to wait until then. For now, we did the "buy two used games, get one free" deal at the gamer store. Stinky wanted Burnout Revenge, of course, and a Tony Hawk game. For me, I got the geekiest of the geek games. It's called The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and it's full of magic potions and knights and shit, all mixed in with kicking demons' asses. I watched Mr. Dateman play it a while ago, and it was pure escapism at it's finest.
All day today while I was totally bored at work, after I did my PeeWee Herman impersonation to amuse my co-workers, I just kept thinking about how awesome it would be to go home, eat pizza and start playing my dork-ass game. Which, I know makes me twelve years old, but I don't care. So, now I'm off to geek-out. You can just go run along and feel superior now. Scoot. Shoo!