I know I probably say this almost every day, but this could very well be the lamest blog post I've ever written. I only have a few days before the grad open house and I've been scrambling. The good news is that I don't have any more school functions to attend (aside from the actual graduation) and I only work a half day again on Friday. It will all get done and then it will finally be over. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about Coadster's graduation, but I've been putting so many things on hold until it happens.
So, as soon as it's over, I am ready to get some play time in. I'm going on long bike rides with friends, I'm learning how to kayak and I'm going to spend some time on my back porch reading a book and drinking a beer. I'll still get work done around my house, I'll just balance it better with fun things. I am soooo ready for Summer now.
I give free kayak lessons!
Your plan to sit out on the back porch to read and drink some beer sounds perfect.
I actually took out a book yesterday at the library in order to meet for a book meetup in June. I've never joined a bookclub before.
Mine are lamer.
Once you learn to kayak, you might move your reading & beer sessions out to the river. It's an awful lot like a gently rocking porch swing ...
At least you write things. My blog posts use pictures and videos, it is like the pop up book of blogging!
Not lame...you are talking good common sense about balancing your life! I can appreciate that :-)
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