Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Imagine All the Girls, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah and the Boys, Ah Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah

Here is a creepy fake owl I saw at a cemetery a couple of weeks ago.

So, we're still watching The Andy Griffith Show and last night it was the one where Andy asked Ellie to a picnic. At first he was all nervous and worried he'd get rejected. Then he decided she was trying to trick him into marrying her and started freaking out. It's funny how a half a century later, guys still do that.

I don't know many women who do that. I would be interested to hear my blogger's thoughts on that phenomenon. What are guys so afraid of? Do they think all women want to steal their souls and if so, do they feel powerless against us?

I love asking deep, philosophical questions inspired by The Andy Griffith Show. Just imagine what I'll come up with once we get to the episodes with Goober in them...


MrManuel said...

If you love her and are still afraid of marriage, you're just a weenie. Nothing is or should be different.

laura b. said...

Makes me wonder, too, what Andy's first marriage was like if he found the idea of being 'captured' again so awful.

I guess maybe it isn't easy for two people to be in the exact same place in a relationship, but if you are that far from each other (one wants to marry, one wants to run)...you both better run then :-)

booda baby said...

Have you ever seen the first episode of the Andy show? It's really remarkable for the superb acting and the snappety-snap those fingers perfect timing script. It's remarkable until you remember that that was back when writers came out of theater and often had literary backgrounds and knew what the fuck they were doing, even if it was for tv. Not to say there aren't great writers now.

rel said...

Too deep for a blogger comment. Suffice it to say: I am amazed that men and women ever get married.

dmarks said...

Wasn't Andy widowed?

Tara said...

Frankly, I don't know what guys are thinking, but that's a good question!

Some guys seem afraid to commit, but that's the way with some women, too.

SkylersDad said...

If I remember back that far to the original airings (yes I am old, shut it!) Andy was a widow.

I think a lot of guys fear loosing their independence when they get married.

Oh, and putting down the seat, yea, that scares us...

NoRegrets said...

I never ran into that. And not sure if I ever watched a full Andy Griffin show. I guess maybe I should do that.