Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When I Look Out My Window. Many Sights to See

I don't have a lot to say today, so here is a picture of some sheep in a field. It is Spring here in Iowa and there are lambs and calves aplenty. We startled tons of them by riding our bikes past. I really do love Iowa...No matter what anyone else says about this state.

Do you love the state you're in?


Mnmom said...

Like my blog says I'm Happy To Be From Iowa, even though I live in Minnesota. And I like it here too.

SkylersDad said...

I absolutely love it here in Colorado!

laura b. said...

Things I like about CA - the weather, all there is to do and see, the big variety of people.

Things I don't like about CA - the population density (where I live at least), and the high cost of housing.

rel said...

I love any and every place I am.

Minyo said...

I love living in Iowa, too! Today was a beautiful day!! I love visiting Colorado :)

MrManuel said...

I live in California - of COURSE!!!

Brass Pear said...

Shhhh....don't tell everyone how nice it is here....we don't need the company. Iowa is a well kept secret.

Tara said...

Yup, I love my state. The weather sometimes gets me down, but Ohio can't really help it.