So, today was off to a rough start. The beast decided to plague me all night long by pouncing on me every two seconds while I tried to sleep. I kept thinking he'd get tired and finally go to sleep, but as far as I could tell, that never happened. At some point, I finally got fed up enough to throw him out of my room and close the door. He didn't meow much either. I did hear him trying to open the door with his paw for a bit before he gave up. Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep or the margaritas, but my brain and my belly weren't all that happy today. I suffered through it all and slid my way home on the ice and got to take a little nap before I started my evening.
Surprisingly, tonight turned out okay. I talked to Stinky for a bit, before she headed off to a basketball game, ran to the store and made potato leek soup. Yum.
We'll see how it goes tonight with the orange demon we call Archie. I'm hoping for a pounce free night of sleep. Wish me luck!