Monday, November 22, 2010

And You Follow 'Til Your Sense of Which Direction Completely Disappears

Here is the kitty I'm trying to adopt. I stole this pic from the shelter site.

I've been kicking around the idea of getting a kitten since I bought my house. I waited because I had so much going on. I made the mistake of saying something about it to a woman in my office, who volunteers at the shelter. I asked her not to send me any pics of cute kittens, but she didn't listen to me. That was all it took.

I found two kittens I thought looked really cute. One was younger and female and the other was 3 months old and male. After work, the guy and I went to the shelter and we ogled the cats. The younger female was already adopted, but the 3 month old male was there. The guy and I both played with him and he was REALLY cute and playful and sweet. The guy took some pics with his camera, but I didn't have mine.

I filled out the paper work and I should find out tomorrow. I have to call the shelter before 10 am to let them know that I'm still interested. Then they'll go over my application. If everything looks good, I should be able to pick him up tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. I know I am...


Mnmom said...

If you get two, make sure they are both males. That's the best combination. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Cats are great companions and totally entertaining as well as self sufficient. We've had up to 3. We have only one now
Word verification is being belligerent.

booda baby said...

OHnonononononnono. (Kind of an odd way to write 'yes,' I guess, but that's what I mean.) This is very exciting. I'm completely convinced that animals make a home (well, if you don't have kidlets, they do.)

3GKnight said...

I'm not much of a cat person but there isn't much in this world that is as cute as a kitten.

Have fun!

laura b. said...

Sooo cute! I am totally a cat person :-) We aren't allowed any pets at my apartment, which is probably for the best...but a cat is a wonderful pet.

Minyo said...

I recommend two cats. They can keep each other company / play together / get in trouble together / snuggle together. You get the picture. Enjoy :)