Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I am Tired, I am Weary, I Could Sleep for a Thousand Years

I'll just be posting some more flowery photos. I have a ton of them and I like them. So there.

I hope everyone had a nice Cinco de Mayo. I spent most of Monday evening cooking tons of Mexican food. I made frijoles, fresh de gallo salsa, chicken enchiladas and fried up some tostada shells. It was good I got it all done then, because I got a migraine that kicked my ass for most of the day today.

It had been a while since I've had a bad one, so I guess it was just a matter of time. It's the second time I've taken my new generic migraine meds. The first time they worked really well, but today they took a lot longer and wiped me out while they were doing their thing. Which isn't much different than my old meds. Some migraines are worse than others, and my old meds would have to work really long and hard sometimes too. Right now, the jury is still out on them.

Coadster and Stinky have been trying to think of something to do with me on Mother's Day. Coadster proposed that we ride bikes around town and take goofy photos. She sure knows me well, because that sounds like an awesome idea. We could even pick-up sandwiches somewhere and eat them at Hickory Hill Park. I told Coadster that we should tentatively schedule that. Saturday night is her prom and I have a feeling she'll be sleeping in, or most of the day, or all of the day on Sunday. So, our bike ride most likely will take place much later in the afternoon. Whenever it happens, I'm sure it will be a great time.


Ananda girl said...

Poor head! Your flowers are fabulous. The food makes my mouth water. Mexican food is my absolute favorite. I hope you feel better by morning.

rel said...

Do you go to the prom for the crowning?

Tara said...

Those all sound like really fun plans for a Mother's Day! I do love the idea of riding bikes around town and taking goofy photos while lunching on sandwiches in the park.

NoRegrets said...

Flowers - yay! all for you for mother's day.
I had a migraine last night, but took meds early early to be nice to myself and it went away.

em for mighty said...

i enjoy the flowery pictures. they make me happy.

that sounds like a great mother's day. makes me so jealous! i can't imagine a son ever suggesting something that cool & thoughtful. maybe i just need to raise them right...hmmm?

laura b. said...

So many good things in one post...except for the whole migraine thing. That sucks. But the food, the flowers, prom, a cool Mothers Day plan. All good.

Churlita said...


I felt a lot better today. Thanks.


They don't seem to have a prom queen at my girls' school. So, I guess there's no reason to go...


Yeah, I hope it works out that way.


You are so good. I wish I had been a little more aware. I could have avoided some badness.

Mighty jo,

You might be surprised. My brother could be really thoughtful when he was younger. I'm sure you'll just raise your boys right.


What are you doing for mother's day? Do you know yet?

Unknown said...

ouch. sorry about the Migraine. but how cool that your girls thought about what YOU'D want to do for Mom's Day.

movin down the road said...

we do that, when the kids are out of sorts, I hand them each a digital camera (my dad gave us an old one)...and we get some great shots and have alot of fun! Happy Mother's Day!