Today is the last day of NaBloPoMo where I pledged to post every day in November and that's exactly what I did, goddamnit. I usually try to post every day anyway, but with my cold this week, I've been really challenged to even hold a thought, let alone write it down and then try to make sense of it. So, after tonight, it's over and I will still try to post daily, but now I can take a sick day once in a while too. Uh, let's see...I got off work early to attend Stinky's last swim meet. I was so out of it from my cold and so I tried to stand off to the side where I couldn't infect anyone with my germs or my stupidity. Then I'd see people, like this guy, Judd who I went to high school with and he must have thought I had brain damage when he talked to me. I'm sure he walked away thinking, "Hmm. I don't remember her being retarded in high school..."
I also kept seeing people who looked really familiar, and I couldn't remember their names, but then I would suddenly think, "That's the large black coffee to go guy," or that's the "small iced tea with lemon and lots of ice," lady. Now I'm really worried that when I start to go all senile, I won't be able to remember my daughters' names, but I will constantly mumble coffee orders and daily specials from all my food service jobs. Is this how waiters and bartenders experience hell?
Oh, wait. I was going to end this, but I do have one last thought. What is it with Iowan's when it turns winter, anyway? It's like we forget every year and the minute there's talk of any snow, all anyone can do is relate the latest grossly over-exaggerated prediction. All I heard at the damn swim meet were converstations where people said, "Well, we're going to head back to Cedar Rapids as soon as we can. They're talking five inches." Or, "We thought we'd go over to the Hy-Vee and and stock up just in case this blizzard hits as hard as they say it's gonna." When I got home, I checked the weather and there is a chance of snow, but the big stuff is all supposed to fall East of us. I've also lived in Iowa long enough to know that fronts move, and we could get hit as well, but I think it's funny how dramatic everyone gets about imginary blizzards. Maybe if we had real crime in town, we wouldn't have to work so hard at creating our dramas.