I had a very busy weekend. So, I am giving you a mostly photo post, with me using my words in the simplest way possible.

I got off at noon on Friday and did very many things - like running 6 miles, taking my car to Jiffy Lube and doing some bank business. After The Guy got home, I put the mower together (with some help from The Guy) and mowed the lawn, while he worked on his bike. We made a dinner and I finally tried my hand at making the perfect margarita. It wasn't quite perfect, but it was close.

On Saturday, I drove Stinky to work, then The Guy and I went back to Sharon Center for another bike race. It was good and it was fun. It was also cold, so during the half hour or so it took the guy to circle around, I sat in the car and read Arabian Nights - which is a pretty rough read, unless you're really into violence against women.

Here is my niece, who is going to be who she's going to be...Even with Jesus looking over her shoulder.
Our friend Bry showed up in the afternoon to watch The Guy's last time trial and then he talked us into going to another small town for a beer on our way home.
We went home, ordered a pizza and watched Andy Griffith. During the second episode, we found ourselves both asleep and propped-up against each other on the couch. We decided it was time to go to bed, about fifteen minutes before 9 pm. Once again, we are very, very young. Ahem.

On Sunday morning, I hit the ground running. Stinky and I left the house around 7'ish and made it to my nephew's 1st communion only 5 minutes late. Hey, that's good for me! We didn't have time to go to the brunch after, and headed back to Iowa City. The Guy had another bike race, which I wasn't able to attend.
I got home and dropped Stinky off at her work crew and then headed back on the road toward Ames.

I got to Coadster's last choir concert of the year with 15 minutes to spare. They performed Handel's Messiah. It was beautiful, if not a bit long. I sat with Coadster's boyfriend and had a good talk. I really like him.

After the show, I took Coadster and her boyfriend out for dinner. Then we stopped by her dorm room and carried out a bunch of clothes. She comes home for the Summer next weekend.
After 8 hours of driving and 14 hours away from home, I finally made it back around 9 o'clock. The Guy was out playing pool with Bry and Stinky was at a youth group meeting. It was nice to have an hour or so to myself, before everyone else got home and we all got caught up on each others' days.