Monday, December 22, 2014

Welcome to Your Life

On Friday night., Coadster graduated from college with a degree in history and education and a minor in Spanish. The ceremony was painlessly brief. Since it was so much bigger than the one we went to last May for Coadster and she didn't sing in this one or win an award for academic excellence, I didn't cry like I did back then. I'm sure Coadster was happy about that too.

My brother showed up with his "little brother" (Big Brother/Big Sister program) and even though her dad was there, there really wasn't much family drama. I tried very hard to make conversation and not comment on anything negatively, because, as I told John and Stinky, "It is Coadster's special effing day", and I didn't want anything to mess that up.

 Coadster and her boyfriend, make a cute couple, don't you think?

I'm not sure how the girls would feel about this one, but I love it of both of them. It's great how they are both so overwhelmed by the cameras, they have no idea where the hell to look.

We all went out for a drink after the ceremony, and that was nice too.

Way to go Coadster the Roadster! You worked your ass off, you are adorable and I couldn't love you more.

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