Wednesday, January 12, 2011

He Must Be Happy, He Must Be Happy, He Must Be Happy in His Work

So, hey. Remember how Archie kept trying to fit into a cereal box and that made me doubt his intelligence? Well, he actually did manage to squeeze himself into a box about half that size. So, now who's intelligence should I be doubting?...


MrManuel said...

He really put himself there?!?! Crazy!

Tara said...

Leggo my

You should submit this photo to the "icanhascheezburger" website.

rel said...

Cats are amazing that way: they must see themselves as tiny creatures through-out their lives because no matter how big they get the try to squeeze themselves into tiny boxes.

booda baby said...

Kitty cats. They never fail to amuse.

SkylersDad said...

I just love that shot!

laura b. said...

Now, did he manage to get himself out as well? Or did he require assistance for that?

NoRegrets said...

I too wonder what Laura wonders.
He's better than TV!

Brando said...

That really does beg for a LOLCAT caption.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Hey it's free entertainment!! That is hysterical...