Monday, August 02, 2010

Monday, Monday, It Was All I Hoped It Would Be

Hey, almost as gratuitous as my garden shots, are my dance party shots. Let's hear it for sweet, sweet gratuitousness!

My first day back at work was a-okay. Really. I had a lot of work to keep me busy and no one got in my face about anything...Which are my two favorite things to happen at work.

I ran a very muggy 6 mile route after work and then went to my friend K.'s house to hear all about her amazing weekend in Chicago with a special someone. I love it when my friends meet great guys. It gives me hope. Sadly, it seems the only nice guys we meet, live outside of my town, so even though I'm hopeful, I'm not stupid...Maybe I'll have to start taking road trips.

Anyway. Where were we? Oh yeah. I went to K.'s house and my friend T. and her baby were in town from St Louis. It was so wonderful to see them and drink a glass or two of wine. Another friend was there and then some neighbors and their kids stopped by. It was a nice mess of wine, women, and song, and cute kids and dogs. It turned out to be a great beginning to the week.


Mnmom said...

You've got AWESOME legs my friend!!

rel said...

Muggy!! Yes it is.

Tara said...

My friend and our long lost blogger Ksra delivered a baby girl on Friday! I was supposed to drive down with my friend (her sister) to see her on Sunday, but that never came about. I hope to see her soon, though. In the meantime, the photos are adorable.

SkylersDad said...

I'm with Mnmom, wow!

NoRegrets said...

I was just about to write what Mnmom said. Jeez. Yes, you need to get out and about dear. Once the kids are gone for sure.

MrManuel said...

Good guys out of town may end up being worth it in the long run. Just my opinion.

Churlita said...

MnMom, Thanks. But it's just from running so much. Anyone who ran as much as I do, would probably have even better legs.

Rel, It's been so bad here the last couple of days.

Tara, Oh, I'm so happy for her. I know that last one was so hard for her. I hope you spoil her like crazy when you do get to see her.

Skyler's, Thank you. You're very kind.

Nor, Do you mean like dating out and about? After this weekend, I finally decided to be more open to that. We'll see if anything comes of it...

MrMAnuel, If I could find a kind, forthright, honest, open, nice man, no matter where he lived, I'd be all for it. I've finally reached my saturation point with guys who want to string me along, when they're not the least bit interested in me, just because they want the attention.Boring.

laura b. said...

All in all that sounds like a really good start to a full working week :-) And dance parties rule!!!

Pamela said...

Yes, that's what I mean... Broaden your circle outside your town...