Friday, March 11, 2011

Let's All Get Up and Dance to a Song

The Guy and I with some friends last weekend.

Well, kids. I hope everyone in Japan and the West Coast is okay...And that includes any of my blogging buddies.

So, this weekend proves to be a busy one. Tonight I'm making tofu shrimp stir-fry and miso soup and we're watching a movie. In my mind, it's a perfect Friday night.

Tomorrow I'll try to get up early and get some cleaning done. Then The Guy's mom is coming over and checking out his new digs and visiting the cat and meeting Archie. Poor woman. We'll go to Oyama for lunch and then I think The Guy will go back with his mom and ride one of his bikes home while I run and get a few things done around the house. We're also kicking around the idea of getting a swim in later in the afternoon.

Saturday evening we'll stop by a friend's pre-St Patty's Day get together for a bit.

On Sunday Coadster and her boyfriend come home for a couple of days. Yea!

What are your plans this weekend? Will you be hanging with family, or hanging with family?


laura b. said...

Sounds like a good weekend of time with family and friends!

I don't have any special plans this weekend. The weather has been so beautiful though, that I definitely want to spend time outdoors.

Mnmom said...

How's your snow situation? We still have .5-2feet.
All weekend I'll be dancing at our high school's rock-n-roll revival! An unbelievable show! My twins each have a solo, and are back-up singers in many others. I'll blog about it tomorrow.

rel said...

Dinner party; our house.

Pamela said...

he's looking at you adoringly. which is a good thing.

rock climbing sunday! woo hoo! (outdoors)

MrManuel said...

Sounds like a good weekend. I am sure you have answered this or blogged about this in the past where I just missed it, but it this the first time you have met the Guy's mother?

dmarks said...

wtg. are you dating John McEnroe?

My blog is back for now.