Tuesday, March 10, 2009

She Said That's That, I Don't Wanna Chitter-Chat

Here is a picture of the backside of Prairie Lights bookstore all sandbagged down. I took this last week, before all the rain came.

Kids, it is soooo late. I ended up having an IMversation with my friend Nate who lives in California. I haven't spoken to him for years and years and he's going through some shit, but he's so cool and positive about it. Anyway, it lasted for like an hour and so this post will be very short.

First off. There is the matter of a certain Saturday Scavenger Hunt word I was tagged to choose. So, I'm picking TREAT. Have we had that one? If not, I think we all deserve a treat this week. If we have, let me know, and I'll try to get a new word out to you much more quickly, this time.

Okay, my day was great. Coadster leaves for NYC on Thursday at 4. She goes to her dad's tomorrow, so this was our last night together before the trip. We ran around getting anything she might need for her trip, but also ate at Chili's because the girls love it there, and we could watch some of a Big 10 track meet on TV. It was such a good night for all of us. I will see Coadster for a bit tomorrow. I have to take some money out for her to take for food and spending and make sure she hasn't forgotten anything. Also, my sister sent her some spending money, which was WAAAAY too nice, but made Coadster feel very special. So, thanks again, Moy.

Anyway, I gosta go to bed now, so I can function tomorrow. Night, night.


Tara said...

I don't think we've used "Treat" before! Good choice!

Speaking of treat, Coadster's trip to NYC sounds like so much fun! I'm so glad you and the girls had a fun night.

Susan said...

I am so tired I thought you used the word "gangsta" in the last sentence. It made a lot more sense with the proper word.

Pamela said...

I hope she has a great time. And you got some good sleep.

Anonymous said...

Treat has not been used and, therefore, has been added to the list.

I need to get out of town, myself. It's been too long since I've gone anywhere (or nowhere, based on my travels).

Mnmom said...

I'll have to bone up on your scavenger word.

I saw on our news that IC is flooding again. AGAIN?? One "hundred year flood" since 1993 was enough. But you've had two. And in March!

laura b. said...

Oh, I'm so excited for Coadster! What a great experience for her.

I hope you are rested today. And thanks for the word. Should be fun to see everyone's treats :-)

booda baby said...

It's always great to hear about a perfect day. They're so ... perfect.

Churlita said...


I know. She's so excited. I'm trying really hard not to worry about her. I'll let you know how that goes.


I should use the word gangsta in every post I write. It would be hilarious.


I didn't get much sleep, but I'm going to try again tonight.



I hope you get out and travel somewhere fun soon.


We drove down Park Road last night and the river is high, but not super flooded yet. There are areas just out of town that are flooding again, though. Ugh.


I'm excited too. I've never been to the East Coast before. I can't wait to see the pics.

Booda Baby,

That is perfectly true.