I chose the Saturday Scavenger Hunt word this week and it was
animal. Here is a picture of me and my girlcrush at her wedding where we were being hungry like the wolf. Since I don't have any cute pet pictures to put up, I figured I'd show one of us acting like
animals. So, now I think I'll pick The Alien at the Swamp Gas blog to choose the next word. Has he chosen the word recently?
So, here's the dealio. I took myself off of the internets for most of the weekend. Basically, I had shit to do in the real world, so I took a break to get it done. My house thanks me, because it's all clean and tidy and livable once again. Whew!
My Friday off was so very nice. Even without video games to piddle away the time, I still didn't get much done. I ran, of course, and did some cleaning, but I certainly didn't get the world's problems solved, let alone my own. I did have hours upon luscious hours of alone time and man did I need that.
Friday night my friend K. texted me to say she and her boyfriend wanted to hang out with me, and it worked out well, because I wanted to hang out with them too. We went to The Picador to celebrate its second year anniversary. It was so much fun. There were tons of people there I hadn't seen in forever. My friend C. came up from Fort Madison, my beautiful friend S. showed up with her equally beautiful boyfriend and my tattoo artist friend, Kris and her boyfriend even came out. At one point, someone walked upstairs and saw us all standing around talking shit (read: screeching) and they said, "Holy shit. It feels like I just walked into 1998 all over again."
FMDM's band, Snow Demon played and they were awesome. They just keep getting better and better. They even did a Thin Lizzy cover of "Jail Break" and it was very cool. I feel bad, though that I didn't get to talk to everyone I wanted to. My friend Jerry told me that he was sorry he didn't come over and say hi, but I was so overwhelmed that I didn't really even see him, so neither one of us had to worry. Around one in the morning, after some guy I'd never seen before tried to convince me that I had to make-out with him, (I was very adamant that I didn't have to) and I kept my friend C. from getting into not just one, but two fights, I figured it was time to go.
On Saturday, I ran my seven mile route. The weather here has been amazing for August. I spent some more time by myself in the evening while my girls went to their dad's house. K. texted me to tell me that our friend Jerry was having a cookout. I didn't make it there until around 10, but it was really nice and mellow. I ate some food, I had my two beers and had a great time reminiscing with Jerry about the old hardcore punk days. We didn't know each other back then, but apparently we went to all the same shows. He'd say, "Yeah, I went to see The Clash at Palmer Auditorium in Davenport..." And I'd get all excited and tell him I was there. Then I'd say something about going to see Husker Du at Robot's studio above the Soap Opera in 1984 and he'd go, "Shit. I was there too." It really is bizarre that we never knew each other back then. Since he's gay, we could also talk about the guys we had crushes on when we were young and stupid. See? All the guys I know in this town who are my age, aren't interested in women. I'm really not making it up.
Guess what I did on Sunday? That's right, I ran some more. While I was running, I got a text from Gyuss/Nate of the Canoe Trip blog. It seems he was driving through Iowa City right then, but I didn't get the text until an hour later. Wah. I told him that he should text me if he (and his wife?) were going to be anywhere near Iowa City again. I would love to hang out with them, but I did warn him that I'm at the mercy of my girls' schedules, so it may or may not work out. The last two bloggers who were in town, came on nights when I had the girls and I couldn't meet them. Damn it but kids are needy, aren't they?
Okay. I'm going to try really hard to get to everyone's blogs in the next day. Sorry to be such a lame-ass, but sometimes we all have shit to do in the real world.