Thursday, October 12, 2006

Set a Spell

Come on in and welcome to my new space. You can yell and swear and drink all you want here because I've changed my name to Churlita and I'm just as obnoxious as ever. I had to think of different nicknames for the girls - my oldest will now be Coadster because that shouldn't google like her real name would and the youngest will be Stinky. Since I put their Spanish forms on the old blog, I can't really use them here now.

I'm just starting to unpack, so I don't have all my links up yet or my profile finished. I have all weekend for that. Hopefully, by Monday I'll have this fixed up better and everyone e-mailed with the new link. I wanted my first post here to be a little more substantial but with all the other stuff, I don't have tons of time. Instead, you'll have to listen to me talk about my new glasses. One of these days, I swear I'll get back to talking about handling gourds.

I got new glasses yesterday. I ordered them on Saturday and Stinky went with me to help. I'm so lame at any of that, but Stinky is all about aesthetics. I was wearing them today when Coadster came home from cross country.

Coadster: Hey, you got new glasses.

Me: Yeah, they're making me dizzy.

Coadster: They also make you look like that one character Dana Carvey played on Saturday Night Live.

Me: The Church Lady?

Coadster: Yeah, that's it.

Me: Well, good because that was exactly the look I was going for. You know you're grounded, right?


Mark said...

Welcome to your new home. Looks like this is going to be a fun place!

p.s. I'm sure you don't look like the Church Lady.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to your new home!

TJ said...

Thanks for the heads up on the new digs! Looking snappy.

It could've been worse, she might have compared you to a Jon Lovitz character. Without cause, obvs.

You'll want to change your Blogger profile as well, though the picture is cute.

Churlita said...


I spaced on the profile and didn't check to see if it was updated. I suck at being incognito. Now, I know better.

Churlita said...

Mark and Neil,

I'm trying one last time. Every time I try to respond, blogger puts up my old profile. I'm not sure how to fix it so I may have to comment anonymously for a while.

Mr Atrocity said...

Hope you're settling into your new home. All the best.

Churlita said...

Mr Atrocity,

I'm getting there, thank you.

Unknown said...

damn neil, you are flippin everywhere!

haha me too!

Poptart said...

See here's the bad thing about the new blog: I want to see your new church lady glasses! Thanks for sending me the update and I am sorry for being such a lame-o with email...

Churlita said...


Maybe I'll take a picture and e-mail you with it. You're not lame. I was just worried that something bad had happened.

I'm so happy to hear from you now, though.

Michael said...

I like the new pad and can't wait until you break the majority of your rules. Without the girls' real manes I feel like I can say this:

Fuck those bastards that made you move and fuckin' ay (is this how you spell this) for keeping us all so well posted.


Churlita said...


Yeah, fuck The Man. I hope I never have to change blogs again. It was such a pain.

And thanks for the props. It was tricky trying to get all the people I wanted to move with me without giving enough info that my boss could find me too.