So, I observed some things and now I'm going to document them.
1.) It seems like every year I walk to work and wonder why there are so many theater majors hanging-out on campus, and then I remember it's Halloween and all those people are wearing capes as part of their costumes.
2.) I used some lyrics from the song, "Monster Mash" to title my post yesterday and it reminded me of third grade. I had the 45 of "Monster Mash" as well as Cheech and Chong's "Sister Mary Elephant" in my brown suede purse that I swung in circles in front of me seemingly defying gravity. I took my chances and slowed it down and both 45's fell out, smashing on the ground. It was my first, true, Newtonian moment.
3.) This man I work with has had hearing problems from chronic ear infections, but he's a guy, so he also has selective hearing. Since he works with almost all women, he used to tune us all out, until I had a brainstorm. Anytime I really want his attention, I say the word football before my sentence and he can suddenly hear me. It's much like when Stinky was little and everyone thought she might be hard of hearing because she never reacted when people said things like, "Okay, your turn is over, you have to share your shiny, red truck with your cousin now," or "Let's all put away our toys." Then I would demonstrate just how sensitive her hearing was by whispering, "Hey Stinky, do you want a cookie?" and she would run right over to me.
4.) While I was walking home from work today, a guy dressed like the San Diego chicken was by some bike racks poppin' and breakin' to the song, "Brick House". He finally stopped, unlocked his bike and dramatically crossed himself before hopping on his bike and riding it one-handed in order to free his other hand so he could hold his boom box that was still blaring "Brick House". Apparently, it was so important to have his theme song going while he rode, that he would risk his own life. I always knew the San Diego Chicken was dedicated.
5.) November 1st is the 15th anniversary of the Gang Lu shootings. I can't believe it happened so long ago. We were living in Albuquerque, I was pregnant with Coadster at the time, and we were supposed to move back to Iowa City that day. CNN had really confusing coverage of the whole thing, so we didn't figure out what really happened until after we drove back. I know I've already plugged this before, but you should really read Jo Ann Beard's non-fiction story about this, "The Fourth State of Matter". It's in her collection entitled The Boys of My Youth - actually, you should read the whole book, it's very good.