Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Oh Yeah, You're a Strange Stray Cat

Well, it's Spring Break in our fair college town, which means that much of our population gets the entire week off and goes someplace else. What it means for me, is that I get to ride my bike with very little traffic to and from work. I'm also taking tomorrow off, since it's supposed to be 56 degrees here then. As usual, I have a ton of projects I'm going to try to do, but will probably only finish a few of them. I also want to try and get a longer run in if my body lets me. That's always a crap shoot, but not literally, thankfully.

John's pretty, gray haired, green eyed, cat had to go to the vet today to get her rabies shot. She is the dumpster kitty, so she's pretty skittish and things like getting stuffed in a cat carrier and taken to the vet for a shot are probably more traumatic for her than other cats. John emailed me to let me know how it went. This is his account:

"Yeah, she's pretty good at resisting getting in the carrier. Too much practice lately.

She howled all the way to the vet, then got very quiet. On the table she got as small as she could -- think Archie just before a hug. Back in the carrier 5 minutes later and she howled all the way home. 

I took her to the kitchen and opened the carrier and she ran for the bedroom. She was about to dive under the bed, but when I asked nicely she stopped so I could pet her for a second. The vet told her to find a sunny window. I hope she does."

Poor girl. We'll just have to spoil her when we get home tonight.

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