It's nice to know that Coadster has remained as animated as ever at college...Another action packed weekend here. I got off work early on Friday to help the guy get home from the hospital. He, his mom and I went to the store to fill prescriptions and get a few other things he would need for home care. We stopped at El Ranchero and he treated us to a lunch of Mexican food for helping him out so much last week. Very nice. We went back to his place and unloaded all of his stuff. Pretty much the first thing he did when he got home, was start torturing his cat with the laser toy thingy. I'm sure he felt he had to make up for lost time. He was tired with all that walking and shopping and being out of bed for more than 5 minutes, and so he went to sleep and I went home.
That evening was kind of weird for me. I had what I like to call the trauma let-down. I've had it before when things calmed down after the tornado and once Stinky was home from the hospital after her meningitis. It's hard to explain, but it's just like your body needs a release from being so strong and so stressed and trying to take care of so many details and trying to handle so much worry. So, when I was running, I just started crying. Pretty. I couldn't help it and it wasn't like I was sad either, I was just letting go. The rest of the evening, I cut myself some slack. I made popcorn and watched stupid movies and then read myself to sleep. It was exactly what I needed.
On Saturday, I was still a little in let-down mode. I tried to run again, but I lost some weight the week before, and I think I was weak from that. So, I ran my short route and walked around my neighborhood on the beautiful day and admired the colorful trees and the Halloween decorations in peoples' yards. I did my recycling and a little cleaning and then Coadster came home and I talked to her for a bit before she left with her dad to watch the game at the Deadwood.
In the evening, the guy called. It was nice to get an update about how he'd been since he was home. He said he and his mom went on a half hour long walk and that he had spent the last day retraining himself on so many things he took for granted, like sitting and getting in and out of a car and walking up stairs. I'm sure he'll be doing that for a while. We talked for a bit and made plans for him to meet Coadster. They were both really excited to finally hang out.
After I got off the phone, Coadster and I watched
The Princess and the Frog and the movie version of
The Quiet American. Then I had to finally crash.
We got up early on Sunday so we could pick up the guy and have breakfast. Since the guy has lived on the East Coast for the last twenty years, he said he really missed cute little Iowa diners. So, Coadster suggested we go to a place where a couple of her friends worked in Wellman. He loved it...And best of all it was ridiculously affordable. We all had a good talk and both the girls said they thought the guy was really nice. After breakfast, we dropped the guy off and headed to Ames.
We got to see Coadster's new dorm room and meet her best friend at college before we headed to the choir concert. It was lovely. Coadster looked wonderful and as always, so happy to be singing. It was so nice to see her this weekend and thriving at college...And she seemed very happy to be able to do her laundry for free too.