Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April, Come She Will

Nice leaning barn in the back there. It's a good thing the winds were coming the other way, or they could have finished the job.

So, I'm a little behind on blogging...Let's go back to Thursday, shall we? I finally got to use a half day of vacation to go on a fun bike ride.

The winds were blowing out of the Southeast fairly strong...Although, nothing compares to what they were like a couple of weekends ago...

I decided to head to Lone Tree for a nice 40 mile ride. It was a lovely day. I hadn't ridden to Lone Tree in a year. I love the route I take to get there. On the way out, I am mostly on a nice, curvy road with very little car traffic. There are beautiful farm houses and barns, and cows. Yea cows!

I had a couple of cookies in my jersey pocket, for my break at the tank when I got to Lone Tree proper. It was a beautiful day in the 60's, so sitting and eating cookies and drinking water outside, was the perfect thing for me to do.

I headed back to a glorious tailwind. I came home all full of endorphins and loving the world...

...Then I had to deal with the damn cats. The cats are thrilled now that it's warm enough to get out on the porch where they have a HUGE 3-D, TV, eternally tuned-in to the nature channel with smell-o-rama capabilities.

Inevitably Archie acts like a big jerk and starts trying to rip the screen in order to get even MORE attention, and so he has to get put in time-out. Heidi, who is normally irritated with Archie, is suddenly incensed and worried on his behalf and I have to roll my eyes so far up into my head, I'm never sure if they'll roll back out. The cat drama never ends...

Basically, this post is an ode to Spring in Iowa. Thank you for warming up, thank you for your beautiful breezes (although you can feel free to turn that sh*t down a notch), and your fragrant flowering trees that make my bike rides a complete and wonderful sensory experience. Now, if you can just do something about these cats....

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