Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Got Motion. Restrained Emotion

Here is Stinky and her friend's peace sign.

I'm not sure if I've ever told you how much I hate bullies, but boy howdy, do I. So, there's been some harassment going on for Stinky and the main guy doing it, has been calling Stinky bad names every time he passes her. Not only does he do this at school, but he also works with her.

Since he's pretty sneaky about it, it's her word against his, and she's 17 and doesn't want to have a big deal made about it, she hasn't reported it to the principal. She had reached the end of her rope today, though and was texting me most of the day telling me how badly she felt about it and how she didn't want to go to work tonight. She went anyway, and I was proud of her for that.

Of course, my first impulse is to go up to the kid, even though he's probably three times my size, and slap the shit out of him...Or at least verbally go off on him. Unfortunately, they have these things called jail time and probation and restraining orders, so I have to show a little more restraint than I'd like to. Instead, I just happened to stop by her store and then just happened to get in the line at the register where he was cashiering. Stinky came up to me and under my breath I asked her if that was the kid. She nodded.

Luckily, there was no one in line behind me, so I was able to loudly say,"Yeah. It's too bad that people can be so mean. I know it's a sign of their unhappiness and insecurities, but that doesn't make it alright. In fact, in the real world, when people continually say mean and inappropriate things to someone, it's called harassment and people can lose their jobs and get suspended from school. So, Stinky. Let me know if that happens to you ever again, and I will be more than happy to talk to whoever I need to talk to get it to stop." The kid wouldn't establish eye contact with me (I get that a lot) and seemed to be very interested in a certain spot on the floor in front of him during my little lecture, but I know he heard me. So, we'll see what happens.

Before I left, Stinky said, "I love you, Mommy." It's nice to know my unbridled bitchiness can be good for something.


MrManuel said...

Good for you, Mommy! Hopefully that shows him. I don't understand bullying like this. Do people have nothing better to do with their time than to be assholes for no apparent reason? So childish.

rel said...

Good for you mom!
You're the best.
He may take pause for a brief time, but he's probably got a crush on her and well he is full of testosterone, so future confrontation is a possibility; I hope not.

Brass Pear said...

Go get 'em, mama!

girl crush said...

you rock. lurve you and your bitchy.

Tara said...

Good for both you and Stinky! I hope that kid got the hint and grows up. If not, someone will not show the same tactful restraint next time, and he'll wind up walking funny.

laura b. said...

Great job. Now, even just being aware that others know about his behavior, he may cool his jets.

What about Stinky's friends, too? She needs to sic them on this kid.

SkylersDad said...

Good job, never mess with a mama!

NoRegrets said...

What self control you had. I would have slapped him upside the head.

booda baby said...

Wow. A punk who missed the love fest. It's good for him to have a leeeetle taste of a smack down. Yay for you.

8 said...

You go, mommy!

j-dub said...

I love your approach--a sorta mom-does-the-mafia verbal rough up. I can almost hear you saying it in a new york italian accent.