I had another wonderful weekend here. Friday night the guy and I made dinner and had drinks. We drank a little more than we normally do and I'll take the blame for that. The guy likes these martinis at one of the places we go to that uses blue cheese stuffed olives. So, I figured I'd make some as a little surprise. We had a martini and some wine with dinner and a fun talk. Such a great night.
Because of the over indulgence the night before, we didn't wake up as early as we wanted to on Saturday. It was just fine though. We made breakfast when we did get up - portabello mushroom and spinach omelets and potato pancakes and fruit. It was lovely. Even though it was warmer than we wanted, we were still able to ski. We checked out some different trails at Lake MacBride and liked them a lot. There were less trees on these trails and with the snow, it felt a little like being in the high desert. We skied until it was time to take Stinky to work.
We showered and then headed downtown for a drink. My favorite bartender, S. was working and we had a good time shooting the shit. We finally got hungry and went back to my place and ordered a pizza. We also watched our disturbing movie. Dead Girl was the name. It was a zombie'ish movie and it was pretty hard to watch at times. It does seem to be the kind of movie that stays with you for a while too - like a bad dream, in some ways. It was pretty powerful.
Today was a little annoying at first. I had more problems with my internet. It seems much better now, but I was pretty frustrated for much of the morning. I met the guy for a swim and a steam in the afternoon. It was exactly what I needed. When we finished, he asked me to come with him to the Co-op so he could buy me flowers. He said he wanted to make sure I had something to wake up to. Awww. Maybe we aren't completely cynical after all. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone.
Happy Valentines Day
Your meals always sound so wonderful! You and the guy do too :-) Those are beautiful flowers...yeah, you probably aren't entirely cynical...yay! Happy Valentine's Day!
The guy appears to be a major cat person, is he? So nice of Archie to help him with his physical therapy! The guy even gets a free cat scan!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I haven't heard of that movie. Will have to look it up! Sounds like a great weekend!
Oh, that was THE nicest thing, to surrender just a litttttle to the day o' romance.
Sounds like you and the guy are doing really well. Good for you!!
Ooops, this is where you mentioned the movie. In any event, pet Archie for me! :-)
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