Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I Feel It in the Air, The Summer's Out of Reach.

Hey, Kids! Did you miss me? I'm just doing a quick little photo post today. My friend Sarah D. came to visit us last Friday and took a bunch of photos. So, I got to check out how someone else saw my life...And ride a little bit of RAGBRAI on Saturday with her. With the exception of the top black and white photo, this post will be all of Sarah's pictures that she took while she stayed with us.

This first photo is pretty much spot on. I am always saying things and John has no idea what I'm talking about. I get that look from him a lot. Poor guy.

Apparently, I'm still talking and John is (fortunately for him) going deaf in his old age and can't hear what I'm saying.

Wow. Still talking. At least the rest of my family knows how to shut-up and smile for the camera...Even the grandpuppy.

Here is my reading room. It is the only room in our house that has air conditioning, so it's the perfect spare bedroom for guests in the Summer. It's also a wonderful place to read a book before bed. My haven.

Here is me, trying to get the blighted leaves off of the tomato plants. Luckily, I'm still getting tons of tomatoes, but I am annoyed by the late season blight all the same. I have many batches of pesto to freeze and tons of fresh salsa to make in the next couple of weeks.

Finally, this guy was needy and waiting for us after RAGBRAI. He was well taken care of while we were gone, but nobody is going to put up with his crap and give him as much attention as we do. Sigh.

As I often say, I am not a big fan of Winter, and Fall is just okay. So, I will relish the last days of late Summer and get as much as I can out of them.

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