Monday, March 23, 2020

This Ain't No Party. This Ain't No Disco. This Ain't No Fooling Around.

Well, kids. how is your apocalypse going so far? I'm on my fourth day of working from home and it's been good and bad. It's definitely getting better. Getting my wireless mouse attached to my work laptop has REALLY helped. If you're an old person like me, I'm sure you can understand.

So far, John and I are lucky that we're both able to still work. John's situation may change, since he works at an orthopedic clinic and they just canceled all elective surgeries, but they gave them two extra weeks of paid time off and he has another month saved up in addition to that, so depending on how long this all lasts, he might be okay.

Archie was pretty excited that I was working from home last week. He wanted to sit on my lap all day, which made it hard to access my keyboard, since he is fat and that made for quite a reach for me. Luckily, I have freakishly long arms.

 We are able to answer phones for my university because they installed skype for business for us all about a year ago. Fortunately for me and anyone who might call me, there is no video capability. I don't think anyone wants to have to see me in my work from home attire - boxer shorts and gigantic t-shirts.

And now a new weeks starts. Archie believes the luster has worn off from me being at home all day. He would be fine for Corona virus apocalypse to be over and for me to leave for at least 9 hours every day again. Poor guy.

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