Friday, October 17, 2014

On a Morning From a Bogart Movie

 Today is Friday and my attention span disappeared, so you get cat photos. Lots and lots of cat photos. Cats in bags and boxes and on futons.

 Heidi looks adorable in a bag.

 Don't worry. I watched him closely, but Archie pisses me off enough sometimes that I'm tempted to give him an unsupervised room full of plastic bags.

We set up the new futon on the dormer room. Now it is a proper guest room/reading room. Right now we have it set-up in the chaise lounge position, but we might play with other settings. It's the perfect reading furniture right now and the cats seem to dig it as well.

1 comment:

A in Texas said...

I love pictures of cats
and I love pictures of Iowa
And your room looks great!!