Friday, July 08, 2011

Helter Skelter in the Summer Swelter

This is what I woke up to this morning. Damn Vandals.

Last night was lovely. The Guy was finishing up editing a labor law manual for a friend of his, so I spent most of the evening on the porch reading with Archie and a glass of wine. Exactly the relaxing evening I needed. The Guy finished at almost the exact same time Coadster got done with her night class. We all sat down and watched an Andy Griffith episode and then had a nice talk afterward.

Archie sitting guard over the bird feeder. His favorite post.

I woke up today to a nicely egged car. of course, I didn't have time to get it washed before work, so I guess that will be my first order of business this evening. My second order will be to make some beet salad and get things ready to grill sweet potato fries and salmon. Coadster loves salmon and even said she'd hang out and eat dinner with us tonight. Hurray!

Archie reaching out to harass Heidi. Just another night at our house.

Tomorrow morning, The Guy and I will wake up early and head to Clear Lake, Iowa. We will get to see the land where the music died and race bikes there. They have a Bikes, Blues and BBQ festival there every year and I think a lot of the music gets played at the Surf Ballroom (where Buddy Holly and Company performed right before they died).

I'm excited about the road race on Sunday - even if it is longer than I've ever raced before. It's a 42 mile jaunt. My legs are tired just thinking about it.

Coadster wrestling her foot away from Archie.

We will spend the night in Clear Lake and do one more day of racing before heading home on Sunday. As always, I'll let you all know how it goes...


Tara said...

Ew, I'm sorry about the egged car! I hope you were able to wash it all off. My friend's car has been parked in our car port for several months now because it doesn't work. It's covered in dust and pollen and people love to write nasty little messages on the windows. People need more constructive hobbies.

silly rabbit said...

Well crap! What a way to start the day. I'm glad its something that can be washed off. Our mail box got tagged recently. I don't really see what is fun about that sort of thing.
But Yay! for your good attitude about it and the fun sounding weekend. Good luck with the race!
What a fun historical place to visit too.

SkylersDad said...

What a drag, some people are such ass-hats!

NoRegrets said...

Time on the porch - great. Archie is getting so big!!! Looking more and more like Billy every day.
Sorry about your car. Never had to wash that stuff off - I think it might kinda suck unfortunately...

booda baby said...

I don't think I want to meet the person who doesn't like salmon. On the other hand, I'm good with people who don't like mussels. A. not only loves mussels but has made something of an art of cooking them so people swoon. Go figure.

Mnmom said...

Vandals - never understood them.
Your porch sounds lovely. Reading on a summer porch, with wine and a nearby cat, sounds like heaven.

laura b. said...

I always love time spent sitting and reading. Sounds like a balanced kind of weekend, between that and a 40+ mile bike race thrown in there!

rel said...

I could never see the joy in vandalism. Ya know; really!
Started training yesterday for Sept 90 mile canoe race.