Wednesday, March 22, 2017

This Was a Pizza Hut. Now It's All Covered With Daisies. You Got It, You Got It.

Oh my god! Remember when I told you I was going to try and plant Gerbera daisy seedlings, but I was nervous about it because they were so hard to germinate? Well, lookee there. I have about 25 of the 100 seeds sprouting and they just started a couple of days ago, so there could be more!

I guess the Gerbera Seeds are super fragile and you need to make sure you get them from a good place and plant them as quickly as possible. I got the seeds on Friday and planted them on Saturday. Also, they need good soil and lots of warmth and light. I mixed some light, fluffy black dirt with about half peat moss and soaked it all in warm water before I planted the seeds. The seeds need to be planted almost at the top with very little soil on them because they need lots of light to germinate. Before I got the seeds, I asked John if he was cool with using some of our joint account money on a grow light. He was not only cool with that, he researched them and ordered one and set it all up for me. We have it timed to light from 6 am to 6 pm every day and it seems to be working very well. Of course, I have no idea what color any of the flowers will be, but it will be fun to find out...As long as I don't screw them all up before I can get them planted outside in May.

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