Friday, December 09, 2011

My Beacon's Been Moved Under Moon and Star

Here is me holding a dead sunflower upside down. Nice.

The weekend is here already and I'm excited. We'll see what happens, but right now I'm planning on racing in the state championships in cyclocross in Altoona. I am giving myself an out, in case it's rdiculously cold or they got a ton more snow than we did. But I'm going with the intention of racing.

Tonight, I'm going with my easy stand-by dinner - shrimp fajitas with beans and guac and salsa. We're having a friend come over for dinner, and we might actually try to watch a Fellini film - Armacord.

I'm also hoping to finish my book, Bel Canto and start Swamplandia! this weekend. Stop back in for next week's post, where we see what actually gets done over the weekend...


silly rabbit said...

Good luck! Have fun. =:]

laura b. said...

Have a great time at your cyclocross!

I liked Swamplandia. It was both funny and sad. I'll look forward to hearing what you think of it.

dmarks said...

I heard "Swamplandia" is good.

rel said...

Hope the weather is just right for your race.

NoRegrets said...

I do want to read Swamplandia. Where do you get your books? Library or buy?

That sunflower kinda freaks me out. I can't look at honeycombs either.