Wednesday, June 08, 2011

And All the Girls Out On the Stoops, Yeah.

Poor Archie cant' take the heat, but is too dumb to get out of the kitchen.

Well, it's still hot today. Sigh. My race should be VERY challenging, but then if I'm going to race bikes in Iowa in the Summer, then I better get used to it.

Last night was very lovely. We just had grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup and salads for dinner. Then we had a great talk on the screened-in porch. If you don't have air conditioning, it's nice to at least have a screened-in porch to hang out on in the evening.


Ananda girl said...

Its still cool here in Oregon. In fact, chilly today. But I'm out on my porch anyway. :D

Best of luck on the race Churlita!

Mnmom said...

I miss my screened-in porch so bad I could cry - really. That's how much I love them.

booda baby said...

Screened-in. VERRRRRY clever.

This is too hard for my little head, that you all are swooshing around in big heat.

laura b. said...

It nearly sprinkled on my daughter's graduation yesterday evening. Ready for some of that hot, hot heat!
Also, that is one of my favorite meals :-)

Junkgirl said...

I actually miss those hot Iowa nights. It hasn't gotten about 65 here in over two weeks, and every day is gloomy. Do you remember "June Gloom" from your California days? I love Archie, too. Look at that cutie! Is he really dumb? If so, he should meet my dummy cat Avery. They could get stupid together. I'm so glad I finally have some time to catch up on your blog!!

NoRegrets said...

don't forget a fan too!

Tara said...

Archie needs to find a nice, cool linoleum floor to rest on. That's what my cat used to do on hot days.