Tuesday, February 26, 2019

And Now I'm Ready to Feel Your Hand, And Lose My Heart on the Burning Sands.

Yeah, so I'm going to talk about the weather again. In my defense, I live in Iowa and we have very little else to talk about.

I'm not sure where they're moving all of this snow to, but it looks like we'll get some more soon. Sigh. I think we would all feel better if we could look at the ten day forecast and see it getting a little warmer and stop snowing. Right now, through March 10th, which happens to be when we change the clocks, we're still supposed to have sub zero temps next week and then we might get all the way up into the lower thirties, but with, you guessed it, good chances for snow.

On Saturday, it got into the thirties and we had a couple hour break in the rain, so I got to do an eight mile run outside. It felt great, but then the winds started to pick up and the temperature dropped and I said f*ck it, and I bought myself some flowers and some dark chocolate (it's heart healthy, damn it!) with sea salt and roasted almonds and I went home and put the flowers in a vase and ate the whole bar of chocolate. I did feel better for that fifteen minutes, though...

Archie does his best to cheer me up too. His new selfie taking skills are pretty impressive for a creature without opposable thumbs.

Today, though, I found the best remedy for the ass end of Winter doldrums...Puppies! One of my co-workers brought in her red Labrador puppy and his unstoppable cuteness has made my whole Tuesday better. So, if you live nearby and have a puppy and some extra time, I sure would love for you to come and visit me. In the mean time, I'll keep hoping for warmer days with less chances for snow.

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