Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Living for Right Now and It's L.I.V.I.N.G. When I'm Here With You.

Well, Kids. Tomorrow is the big day. At 7 am I have to be at the ambulatory service area at the hospital. They told me I won't be allowed to walk and will have to be wheeled to radiology they will stick some kind of rod in my breast to help guide the surgeon as to where my tumor is. Then I'll get wheeled back up to my room where I will a few hours until my surgery at 11:40.

It seems pretty simple, right? I've just never had surgery before, I've never been under anesthesia, except for an epidural during labor with Coadster and I've never taken narcotics before, except for Tylenol 3 once for a kidney stone and I puked and puked. I have no idea what to expect. I know the outcome should be good, so I'm not super worried about that. It's just all the particulars in getting there.

I was looking at all the surgical prep and I can't eat after midnight, I have to wash with a special soap and I can only have one 8 ounce glass of clear liquid. They made a big point to specify that alcohol is not included in that. Damn it!

I started doing my arm exercises to get strong and my range of motion back after the surgery. They seem so easy now. I'm sure that will all change very soon...

This weekend was full of beautiful bike rides and runs and gardening and I will cook some veggie lasagna and potato leek soup to have for the week after surgery. Coadster is coming into town tonight and so John and my girls will be there for me.

What I am taking away from this is just how damn lucky I am. My cancer is very treatable and I have the most incredible support system. This will be an inconvenience in my life, but it's not a tragedy and I will get better and start kicking ass as soon as I can. I will also live each day in wonder and appreciation for all of the incredible people and things I have in my life.


rel said...

Hope all goes well for you this morning my friend.
you'll be back on that bike in no time; kicking ass, as you say. :-))
Your positive attitude is the best medicine!!!
Oh, and I hope you get a nurse anesthetist (CRNA) for your anesthesia provider!!

Mnmom said...

You can do this sister! Then you'll be in the club with survivors like me. Cancer picked the wrong woman to mess with. I will be checking in.