Sunday, December 09, 2012

Stinky with Archie.
My cat can be such a fucking asshole most of the time, but I still love him so much. One of my co-workers said,"The things we put up with for our cats, we would never tolerate in a relationship" Ain't it the truth.


rel said...

He's put on weight! ;-)

laura b. said...

Both of them are adorable. Pets and family members get lots of passes for bad behavior :)

Tara said...

Your endearing description of Archie made me laugh out loud. They do con their way into our lives and hearts and make it difficult to stay mad at them when they do dumb stuff.

dmarks said...

I know of someone who had a cat named Asspain.

NoRegrets said...

I seem to be dating a 84 year old man, and I'm happy he's sleeping a lot. I wish he would learn how to talk though. And take less smelly dumps. At least I don't have to wipe his butt.