Friday, November 17, 2023

Doctor, My Eyes Have Seen the Years, And The Slow Parade of Fears Without Crying, Now I Want to Understand

 Soooo, it's been quite a month. I've had this ridiculous cold for the last few weeks. I also had my yearly mammogram, which was normal. Whew! Then a week ago I had to get tests to see how my Thyroid Eye Disease was doing. It was going very well, thank you. It looks like my friends bringing over truckloads of Brazil nuts is working. Thanks again, wonderful friends! Of course, staring into bright lights  for a few hours and having a tiny ultrasound wand placed in several spots on my eyeballs was a FABULOUS way to trigger a brutal migraine for me, but it's better than going blind, right?

ANYWHOOOOO, going to the eye doctor turned out to be quite the experience. While I was waiting in the hallway to get my eyeball ultrasounds, a couple of employees came walking up pushing something that was labeled "the sunshine cart". They were blaring "9 to 5" and handing out free snacks. Dolly Parton and free treats? THOSE are the people who should be making billions of dollars, not those evil corporate CEO's who cheat poor people and don't pay their taxes. 

After the Sunshine Cart left to give snacks to other patients, an older couple (older than me, even) looked for chairs to sit together to wait for their next appointment.

"You two can't sit apart from each other? Are you afraid she'll leave you?" Another old guy joked.

"Ha!" The woman said, as her husband sat next to me and she sat on his other side. "It's a little late for that."

"We've been married for 65 years!" Her husband said proudly.

"Wow, " The other old guy said. "I bet she's heard all of your stories..."

"My husband can't hear half the things I say anymore, which probably helps us stay married," I said.

The husband laughed, got very excited, and pulled out his smart phone to show me his hearing aid app and show me all the features, and how he can just turn it down if he's tired of listening to people.

"Boy, I'm surprised you even know how to use one of those phones," the other old guy said. "I can barely work my flip phone, which he pulled out to show us that he wasn't kidding about still having a flip phone.

"That's the only thing he DOES know how to do on his phone," his wife said.

Then a woman came out into the hall and called a name, that of course, none of us could hear. She called it again, and it was me.

"Sorry," I said to her. "We were all just sitting there talking about being deaf. The woman laughed and said,

"Yeah. We have a different clinic for that..."

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