Coadster tested positive for Covid on Friday. She's lucky because she's young and her blood type is O-, and at one time they were saying that made people's chances better than, oh, say, my blood type of A+.
She said she's mostly had a horrible headache, really sore shoulders, and a sore throat. Of course, even if she recovers, there's still a chance of her getting blood clots, having an enlarged heart, and having lung problems afterward. It sucks.
Because, as most of you know, food is love in my world, I spent yesterday morning, running to a few different stores to stock her and her boyfriend (who also tested positive for Covid) up on groceries. They will have to quarantine for a couple of weeks, which means she can't work. She works at a restaurant, where she has to wait on people who are eating and drinking and not wearing masks, which is, I'm sure, how she got it.
I had to drive about 45 minutest to get to her house to drop off her goods, and there was a big Winter storm heading our way. I was very lucky and made it home just as it started raining. At this time, Coadster is doing better than her first few days of having Covid. I hope she doesn't experience any other complications, and that her boyfriend makes it through okay too.
What I don't understand about all of this Covid stuff, is why people want to make it all worse. These bizarre conspiracy theorists, who want to say it's a hoax, or it's not a big deal, and that being considerate and wearing a mask is somehow against their free-dumb. Then, those same weird anti-vaxxers go and disrupt a place that is giving out vaccines and shuts it down for a while. What happened to personal freedom? Oh, I guess it's only THEIR freedom that matters, and not anyone else's? Or maybe it isn't about freedom at all (especially since they never cared about the no shirt, no shoes, no service rules). Maybe it's all just about forcing their political agendas down everyone else's throats.
The pharmacist who ruined all of those vaccines, said he thought the vaccine wasn't safe for people, and he was just trying to help them. Ummmmmm, no one has died from the vaccine, but as of now, 439,000 people in the U.S. have died of the disease itself. And to those bizarre people who think that the vaccine will put a chip in them, so that Bill Gates can track them. Let's try using some logic. Can you imagine how expensive that would be? Bill Gates isn't a bajillionaire by blowing his money on stuopid shit. Wouldn't it be cheaper and smarter of him to make American citizens feel like they need computers and smart phones, and they would pay Bill Gates for devices that would allow him to track them? Duh. So, if any of these anti-vaxxers are worried about being tracked by an imaginary chip in a virus, but own computers and smart phones, and aren't worried about being tracked by those, all I can say to you is, DERRRRRRRRR.
The good news, is that if people can pull their heads out of their asses and get the vaccine, and the federal and state governments can make it available, we could reach 75% of people vaccinated, and hit herd immunity by later in the Summer. Can you imagine going to eat INDOORS at a restaurant? Going to see live music again? Hugging your older family members again? Being able to travel safely? Who wouldn't do everything in their power to make that happen again? I don't get it.
Anyway, I hope we can all be smart enough, and actually stop with the conspiracy theories, and fact check, and try harder to understand science, so we all work together to make our lives better. Please.
Oh my gosh! I agree with you 100%. They make me crazy thinking about the idiocy required to believe in their thought processes.
I’m so sorry for Your daughter and her fellah. I’ll be keeping them in my prayers. Good job, mom, on getting them food and supplies. Stay safe and healthy, my friend.
Aw I"m sorry she got Covid. So bad.
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