Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Pretty Soon Now You're Gonna Get Older

Not all that long ago, in this very same galaxy, my daughters were in their early twenties and they came over for brunch on Mother's Day and didn't offer to help, and didn't offer to even clean  up after, and when I said something about it to them, they "joked" about being lame or whatever and still didn't help clean up and I was very disappointed in them.

I get that they were in their early twenties, and newly out of my house, and that made them more self-centered and they probably thought of it like they had to cook for themselves all the time, they might as well get a home cooked meal, and be catered to, or whatever goes through anyone's head when they're in their early twenties, but I was pretty hurt.

Fast forward to yesterday when the girls are in their late twenties. I said something about making dinner when they came over and The Youngest said, "We can talk about that later..." Which I thought meant she wasn't crazy about the food options I presented.

Fortunately, it was because she and her sister didn't want me to have to do anything. So, they came over with their men, and The Youngest brought her dogs, and Archie got to assert his dominance in front of them. Then we sat around and talked about what they were going to pick up for Mother's Day dinner. We ordered pizza from Wig and Pen and they went and picked it up and paid for it. It was so nice that they finally got it.

We had a lovely day. The food was very good, and the best Mother's Day present of all, is seeing my girls maturing and growing up. The saddest part of the day was standing next to them and realizing how much I'm shrinking. Eek!

The are the only people, besides John that I get anywhere near these days. Lucky for me, they are people I love spending time with. So, Happy Mother's Day to all you Mutha's out there, whether you have children, adopted children, foster children, step children, you help mentor other people's children, you have animals, or whatever other situation you find yourself in.

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