Wednesday, June 26, 2019

It Seems Like Everywhere I Go, the More I See, the Less I Know.

Our new pig, Lubricante is a lush.

Today I'm just posting photos of flowers coming up in my garden and of course, my favorite purchase of the this month. Meet our new metal sculpture pig. I'm calling him Lubricante, since that was written on him. I'm assuming he must have been made from some kind of  lubricant container.

I planted Hollyhocks last year but they never bloomed. Apparently, the deer love them, because they kept eating the tops off of them. The ladies from "Project Green" told me about plant skyyd. You spray it on your plants that deer love on a day when you know it won't rain for at least 24 hours (tricky to find that day this year). It smells horrible - like a five day old period. Yes, that gross. I'm sure it's why the deer don't like it. It smells like a brutal death. Anyway, it works wonders and I was able to have holly hocks this year. So, bring on the brutal death scent!

One thing I read about holly hocks is back in the day before indoor plumbing, it was considered indiscreet for a lady to ask where the outhouse was. Since holly hocks are so tall and easy to see, people would plant a bunch of them by the outhouse, and ladies would just look for them to find out where to take care of their business. Handy.

My cone flowers are  starting to bloom now too...And to take over the entire world. If you know anyone who wants any native to Iowa prairie plants, let me know. I have soooo many to spare.

I love these guys. I plant them every year, because they're so fun. They're called Gazania Big Kiss White Flame. Hell, I'd buy it just for the name.

This lovely orange flower is called a Pot Marigold (duuuude) or a Calendula. It is supposedly edible (double duuuude), medicinal and helps with pest control. I got this plant from my friend, Kathy. I grow seedlings and always have more than I can use, so I offer up some to friends who garden. I'm not asking for anything in return, I just like to share stuff with people, but some of my friends feel the need to trade me for something. Kathy gave me some of her seedlings: red kale, pot marigold and a night blooming tobacco plant. All of which have turned out to be pretty cool. The night blooming tobacco has yet to bloom, but I can't wait until it does.

Okay. So, that was a look at some of my recently blooming flowers. I'll put in another installment for the later Summer blooming flowers. I can't wait for them!

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