Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So, this blog is mine, right? Sorry I'm rarely posting. I have a photo for you all. I raced Snake Alley in Burlington and it rained and it rained and it rained some more. The cobblestone is much harder to ride when it's slippery and you can't get much traction. I haven't done well at this race in the past and this year was no exception. I think I did a little better than last year and I figure if I keep trying and getting even a little better each time, one of these years I'll actually do well, right? Hell. It's worth a shot. IT doesn't cost anything but blood sweat and tears (your favorite band). Anyway, here is a picture of me doing it. I figured, if I wasn't very good, that I should at least wear fun socks...

In other news, Coadster is in Spain until the first week in July and is surprisingly homesick. I am hoping things will be better for her, once she gets into a routine. She said she was going to the beach as soon as her classes were over, so that ought to cheer her up.


SkylersDad said...

Great pictures, and great work!

laura b. said...

Riding on slippery cobblestones sounds like...um...a challenge!

It would be surprising if your daughter wasn't homesick. But I think you're right, she will get a routine going and begin to feel at home. When she comes back, she will miss Spain :)

Johnny Yen said...

I've been guilty of neglecting my blog as well. I'm stuck at home tonight on call at work, and everybody else is out of the house. I'm missing bicycling a lot; I injured my knee playing softball with my daughter a few weeks ago, and work is slowing the healing. Bike for those of us who can't (at least for another week or two!)

Buy nehru suit said...

I'm stuck at home tonight on call at work, and everybody else is out of the house. I'm missing bicycling a lot; I injured my knee playing softball with my daughter a few weeks ago, and work is slowing the healing.

Chance said...

You missed your scheduled June 28 blogging.

dmarks said...

Where is that castle?