On the third day of our trip, we found ourselves in Phoenix, AZ. One of the places I lived as a child. We didn't have a lot of time there, so I was trying to find a place where we could play, in a central location, for just a few hours. I decided on Papago Park. One of my favorite places when I was younger.
While we were there, we did a little running...
...And a little riding.
They had a great trail that went from Scottsdale, to Phoenix, to Tempe.
After we played for a while, we met some of my cousins for a nice lunch. When my dad disappeared, we stayed with these cousins because we got evicted from our house and couldn't find any affordable housing back in 1969. So, we were pretty close to these cousins when we were younger, but I hadn't seen them in years. Thankfully, they still have a healthy sense of humor.

We finally made it to Tucson and settled in to our hotel room. We got a suite, so we could cook if we wanted and have a little room to move around, since we were staying for 5 days. It was actually perfect for us. Best of all? I talked John into having dinner at the Tiki Bar and drinking fruity rum drinks from giant coconuts. It was almost kitschy enough for me.