Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's the Fun in Playing it Safe? I Think I'd Rather Misbehave

My usual Stinky birthday pic.

So, it is that Wednesday is the first day of Fall and Stinky's 17th birthday. Wha?! It still blows me away. There was a point where it seemed like she would always be a very loud two year old...And there that was that other point when she was 5 and very sick, where I didn't know if she'd make it to 6.

I've been through my share of everything with Stinky. My old joke was that if Stinky had been my first, she may have been an only child. She's always been the sweetest little girl, but she's also been a HUGE boundary pusher. Luckily, she also cares so much when she upsets me and it tears her up when she loses my trust, so the older she gets, the harder she tries aspires to the straight and narrow.

Here's to another 17 years sliding face first into her adult life together. I anticipate a bumpy and wild ride. I've got my seatbelt on and I'm holding onto the Jesus bar, but I can't wait.


rel said...

Say Happy burthday to Stinky for me.
17 year olds are more adult than we give them credit for some times. I slid, face first, into "nam at 17.

laura b. said...

Ah, those boundary pushers. They'll rule the world one day. Happy Birthday, Stinky!!!

Tara said...

Happy 17th Birthday to Ms. Stinky!! Hoping for more harmony than drama for her new year!

Is that what my mom hung onto with me and my brothers? The Jesus bar? That explains so much. :)

SkylersDad said...

Happy Birthday to Stinky, and hold on tight mom!

Pamela said...

Let Jesus take the wheel....
And happy happy to her.

dmarks said...

Happy Birthday!

booda baby said...

When she graduates to the grown-ups boundary pushing society, I'll watch over her if you're not there. She's really got to do it now to qualify for any of the senior positions around here and you KNOW they're way out on some skinny ass limbs.