Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shock Me Like an Electric Eel.

Here is a pretty flower.

So, whatever it was I thought I was coming down with, seems to have disappeared today. Yea! I had a great dinner with friends tonight. Many different kinds of sushi, great conversation and it was so good to catch up with my friends from college. It's weird that we live in the same town and never see each other.

Tomorrow should be even better. I only work until noon and then I'll go running and head to the store to get a few art supplies. I'll finally have to give plasma - which is the only part of the day I'm not looking forward to, but I'm sure it won't kill me or anything.

Saturday I will clean my house as much as possible and make a pot of potato leek soup. I'm also going to try to go on the zombie march - it's where people meet at a park, put on make-up and walk around looking like zombies. I won't do the make-up part, because Stinky and her boyfriend want me to go to dinner with her boyfriend's parents at 6:30. After that I have a couple of options. One of my neighbors is having a backyard party to watch the Iowa/Arizona game in his backyard or G. wanted me to go to Sam's Pizza to watch the game with some friends of hers. Maybe I'll figure out a way to do both.

Sunday is my arts and crafts party. I'm making soup and salad and heating up apple cider and my friends are coming over to make a bunch of stuff. I'm not much into crafts, but I plan on trying my hand at tag/graffiti art. I have some bigger canvases and I'm getting some spray paint and I'm going to see what kind of funkiness I can create. My living room is reserved for Dance Dance Revolution and Rock Band shenanigans. I hope it ends up being as fun as it sounds.

What about you kids? Will you be watching a game or gaming?


rel said...

While not a busy and diversified as your weekend, I'll be busy enough finishing up the garden harvest and other yard chores.

booda baby said...

I am now kind of fascinated how you pull off an arts & crafts party like that.

I am recovering from this week. Well, after tonight, I'll start that. Too many parties/bbqs and waaaay too many bottles of wine.

NoRegrets said...

Sounds like a lot of fun.
Dinner with the daughter's boyfriend's parents? Is that normal?
I need to find a way to do a clothes swap here...too bad I have no clothes to swap.

SkylersDad said...

At some point this weekend I hope to stop walking around the cans of stain for the fence and go out to apply it!

laura b. said...

What a great weekend! I love the sound of that arts & crafts party. And I'm glad whatever you thought you might have gave you a pass.

My weekend promises to be much less interesting.

Mnmom said...

Why in the world would a teen object to you meeting her boyfriend's parents dressed as a zombie? Some people are so touchy.

Your lovely flower is a Hibiscus - my Mom used to rave about hers every year.

I'll be watching football, harvesting onions-carrots-basil, and making pots of pesto. And going to BF Michael's for a party where I will gorge on Mexican food.

Tara said...

That arts and crafts party sounds like a fun idea!

I think I had allergies for a few days, but today was completely different and peaceful. Don't want to go through that again, and I hope you don't have to either. Glad you're feeling better!