Monday, September 13, 2010

And the World is Made of Energy

Bry doing something weird by the fire.

It was my usual manic Monday today. It's our busiest day at work. Then I do my weekly ride my bike home, run, and ride my bike for Mexican food and margaritas. Then ride it back home. Again. It's a great way to spend a Monday. Today while I was at work wondering why I've been so happy at the beginning of the week, it occurred to me it was because I now have a bike ride to look forward to most weeks. Whatever it takes, I guess.

I screwed this pic up by letting my fingers in the way of the lens. But now I like how it looks like I'm pinching them all during their fire dance.

We had a couple of people in from out of town on tonight's ride. The weather was perfect, so on the way home we detoured to the Hills Access and made a quick fire. It was lovely. You all know how much I love a good fire, and it's been a while since I've been able to stand around one.

JS taking a pic of me taking a pic.

There was lightning flashing to the South of us. It was so pretty and harmless...A combination you don't see very often.

I rode the rest of the way home on a gorgeous night, with a belly full of quesadillas and salsa and a slight buzz from my two margaritas. Whatever happens the rest of this week, at least it started out perfectly.


rel said...

A good Monday is a gift.
Funny about weather; yesterday it was pouring rain over the cottage while the sun shone brightly on the lawn and thunder and lightening were occuring 2 miles down river over canada.

Mnmom said...

How do you ride your bike to work and not arrive all sweaty and gross? Wish my bike would magically appear at my office at the end of the day. I wouldn't mind riding HOME.

3GKnight said...

I am so stinkin' jealous! A FB friend of mine posted they were having a beach bonfire party in Newport last weekend. If I'd had the money for a plane ticket, I would have gone in a heartbeat.

Thanks for sharing!

NoRegrets said...

So, a random fire? Interesting. Where do you hold it?
I've started running and moved away from biking. We'll see if I get as addicted as you.

Tara said...

A very cool bonfire with lightening in the distance sounds like an amazing night! I love the photos.

laura b. said...

I think having something to look forwward to, like an awesome bike ride, is a great Monday motivator! Looks like the fire brought out everyone's tribal spirit :-)

booda baby said...

That was a GREAT tag - I heart Iowa. ANY place you can get people to dance around a fire after a great bike ride & margaritas - I heart THAT place, too.

Churlita said...

Rel, It sure is, and I've been blessed with several in a row.

MnMom, It's usually not to warm in the morning. I change clothes and stuff when I get to work and I only ride a couple of miles, so I don't seem to get too bad.

3GirlKnight, Are there times of the year where you can have fires where you live? I grew up in Arizona, so it was almost impossible to make fires there. Here it rains all the time, so it isn't a problem.

Nor, There is a little campground on the ride back, so we stopped there and made a fire in a pit at one of the sites. Let me know how you feel about running in the next couple of months.

Tara, it was nice. There's really no reason to watch TV on a night like that.

LauraB., Most of that dancing was hamming it up for the camera. Boys can be dorky that way.

Booda Baby, I'm sure you've both hearted and hated this great state at different times in your life...We all seem to.