Monday, February 11, 2008

Everybody Here is Out of Sight

I'm sure if you live in the Midwest you have no idea what snow looks like this Winter, so I thought I'd show you. this is exactly what I see on my walk to work every single fucking day. It's kind of pretty, isn't it?

Soooooo, what should we talk about tonight? I had some Valentine's Day posts I was thinking about writing, but one I have to wait to talk to Erik about, so I think I'll just write about the weekend instead.

I already covered Sunday, so I think I'll just go with Friday and Saturday night. On Friday, I found myself in a weird predicament. Both the girls were at the basketball game by six and Stinky was going to sleep over at a friend's house and Coadster was going to "drive around" (that scary thing that high school kids do that encompasses so many frightening scenarios in my head) after the game got out. I had a Friday night all to myself. Since it was unplanned, I figured I'd just go down to the Dublin and see who was there. The answer to that, was all kinds of fun and generous people. I went down with $10 expecting to have a beer or two and head home. I only bought one beer and everything else, including a slice from Pizza on Dubuque, a few more pints and a total girlie shot were bought by all the cool kids down at the bar. If you ever get a chance to come to Iowa City, you should totally go downstairs and have a pint.

Coadster called me around 11'ish to tell me she wasn't going to drive around and was just going to go home instead. About a half hour later, Erik called me from Chicago and after dropping off his friend, "walked me home" on our cell phones.

Saturday was a bit on the hectic side. I had to get up early to take Coadster to show choir. I came back home and went to bed for a little bit until Stinky called me to come get her around 11. I ran a ton of errands. Took Stinky to her friend's house and finally headed to the Quad Cities.

the party itself was just fine. I didn't know anyone there but Erik, but there was a couple from Iowa City who I really liked and we all made fun of the band together. The band played 80's covers so badly, that even I had a hard time making them out. Yeah. Erik and I headed back to Iowa City around 9:30 and had a few drinks at where else? That's right. The Dublin. It was a pretty mellow night there, but the important people, like our friends D. and J. were there. J. was nice enough to give us a ride home, so we didn't even have to take a cab.

This, as you know preceded the wonderful Sunday morning where Erik and I slept in and ate all that food and didn't have anything to do until 12:30 when the girls came back from their dad's house. The end.


Mr Atrocity said...

The Dublin sounds like a great place. Seems like a good weekend all in all, no?

rel said...

Yes, in fact I do like walking in the snow. This morning I went for a walk/run at 0 degrees... 4 miles no less.

Tara said...

I love the fact that Erik walked you home on the cellphone. He's one classy guy.

Chance said...

My first thought about the dangers of "driving around" is all that snow and ice, but of course, there's so much more to it than that.

Margaret said...

'driving around' scares me to death

DJSassafrass said...

You know--everytime I hear King Harvest, I think of you!

booda baby said...

Oh, that snow made me feel all warm and cozy. Althuogh that might be because it's only 9 am and it's already warm and cozy here.

Funny-ish/interesting, mr atro's remark. I mean, if you were considering bars and pubs in the most objective way possible, the Dublin wouldn't hold a candle to lots of other places. But you throw in good friends and funny friends and people who are totally up for laughing a lot and buying you a pint or two - sigh. It's what I love SOOO much about dive bars.

HappyFlapjacks said...

All this talk of the "Dublin" and the repeated trips there kinda remonds me of the "Winchester" in Shaun of the Dead.

I'm kinda over snow. I live in a small apartment building in chicago and the landlord seems to have an aversion to plowing the parking lot. At this point, it is quite literally an ice rink, with a solid 2 inches of very slick ice.

LA said...

As long as "driving around" IC doesn't still count as driving on the gravel roads out around Hills, with the lights off going 80 mph while hucking the empties out the window, you have nothing to worry about.

Brando said...

Ah, the Dublin. So smartly designed -- you walk downstairs while you're sober, up when your hammered.

laura b. said...

So, is the Dublin kind of a divier Cheers...where everyone knows your name?

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

From your posts Iowa City sounds like a happening place. Really.

I like the idea being "walked" somewhere over the phone, but your Sunday morning sounds better.

Churlita said...

Mr Atrocity,

It is, but it's mostly the people there.


You are good. I've been driven to run at an indoor track.


Yeah, he is nothing but class. He does stuff like that for me all the time.


Exactly. Think about the things that seemed fun to you when you were in high school and then pray for me.


It should.


That's the nicest thing you could have said to me.

Booda Baby,

Totally. All those freaks are what makes it so wonderful.


It's a lot like that bar. For sure.


Thanks.I feel so much better now...Not. don't wory. Your children will be in high school one day too and I'll be sure to post this on your blog. Mwahaha.


Who doesn't appreciate that?


A lot like that. There's even a guy named Norm,but he's a chemistry professor.


MY Sunday morning was perfect.